shamefaced - definitie. Wat is shamefaced
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Wat (wie) is shamefaced - definitie

If you are shamefaced, you feel embarrassed because you have done something that you know you should not have done. (FORMAL)
There was a long silence, and my father looked shamefaced.
·noun Easily confused or put out of countenance; diffident; bashful; modest.
¦ adjective showing shame.
shamefacedly adverb
shamefacedness noun
C16 (in the sense 'modest, shy'): alt. of archaic shamefast, by assoc. with face.
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor shamefaced
1. Meanwhile Chris Shamefaced Armstrong (his sign–off) is back.
2. A shamefaced Peaches was forced to return the clothes.
3. I wore mine for a couple of days, then (slightly shamefaced) removed it.
4. Shamefaced, I had to buy navy instead and smeared dark polish over them, making a kind of murky tartan.
5. With a slightly shamefaced sigh, Bloom checked the petrol tank and was forced to ask his friend to give him a helping hand.